Training is important for safety
RDA is committed to providing quality training for its volunteers and, as well as a broad induction program, RDA centres conduct regular training to ensure volunteers’ knowledge and skills are up-to-date.
Volunteers may approach their centre’s coach or committee member (or volunteer co-ordinator) to ask about training opportunities.
Workshop ideas include:
- Saddle fitting demonstration by an accredited saddle fitter
- Hoof care and shoeing demonstration by a farrier
- Visit by an equine dentist to find out more about teeth care
- A veterinarian to talk about general horse care
- A teacher, carer or physiotherapist to talk about specific disabilities and how volunteers might help such riders
- Practice emergency dismounts
- Practice an evacuation drill
- Train a horse to lead correctly
- A State Office staff member to talk about their role
- Read/discuss the Volunteer Information Booklet or other recommended books for RDA Volunteers
RDA SA also delivers a regular program of training for volunteers and coaches.
These include:
- State RDA Coaching Workshop (once yearly) – guest presenters deliver training on horse care, teaching riding skills, safety, and disabilities.
- Disabilities Workshop (every two years) – a program covering the range of disabilities commonly encountered within RDA and how to assist. Information is presented by RDA coaches and qualified professionals / presenters from other disability organisations.
- OTC Training Workshop – held according to demand. Includes everything you need to know from disabilities to horse care!
To discuss workshops or training opportunities contact our state Service Delivery Manager on 8377 3150