Who we are and what we do
Riding for the Disabled (RDA) is a worldwide movement represented internationally by the Federation of Horses in Education and Therapy International (HETI), nationally by Riding for the Disabled Association of Australia Ltd. (RDAA) and within Australia by State bodies.
Riding for the Disabled Association in Australia (RDAA) is a voluntary, nonprofit organisation providing opportunities for anyone with a disability to participate in and enjoy horse-related activities in safe and inclusive environment for recreation, sport and therapeutic purposes.
Riding for the Disabled was first incorporated here in South Australia in 1972.

Highlights from the newsletter.
Our Programs
We offer a variety of programs for pleasure and competition.
Most people with a disability aged 3 up to 85 are eligible to
participate in our program. Watch below to hear from one of our participants.

How can you help?
” It’s given her a new lease on life, she can do a sport just like her siblings and she can do it for herself.”