Services Offered
Horse Riding, Carriage Driving, and Unmounted Horsemanship.
Session times
Mon – Fri
Sunnybrae Equestrian Centre
Wandilo, via Mount Gambier
Postal address:
PO Box 1441
Mount Gambier SA 5290
Contact details
Ph: (08) 8723 0123 or Mobile: 0476 141 129
Our Centre Coaches:
(RDA Level 1 Riding & Driving Coach)
10 years ago I decided leased my horse to RDA Mt Gambier, my horses still continue to support the Mt Gambier team.
I became a volunteer in between work and having young family. I love volunteering and working with horses, I’m quite passionate about helping people achieve there goals.
My clients are like family to me, we’ve built a great relationship over the years.
Before RDA I use to do week long rides occasionally I would support a local show. I love sitting around a camp fire listen to peoples stories.
When I’m not at RDA im normally help my children at pony club or show jumping.
(RDA Level 2 Riding / Driving Coach and Assessor)

Extreme Weather Policy
When the weather is forecast to be over 30 Degrees celcius sessions will be cancelled.