RDA SA programs are delivered by volunteer coaches who have been especially trained under the National Coaching Accreditation Scheme (NCAS). The harness driving equivalent to a coach is a ‘whip’.
Coaches with RDA have skills in horse mastership, safety, medical knowledge, first aid, teaching, selection and training of horses.
During sessions the coach is responsible for the safety of all participants.
RDA SA coaches undergo a review process every four years. This process ensures coaches have met the range of conditions necessary to continue in the role.
RDA specific training is available to coaches at both State and National levels. Coaches are also encouraged to widen their horizons by attending training events in the wider horse community.
Coaches must hold an up-to-date First Aid certificate. Current versions of the qualification are entitled ‘Provide First Aid’ (HLTAID003)
The RDA Coach Education System is a nationally recognised by the Australian Sports Commission via the National Coaching Accreditation Scheme (NCAS).
The training syllabus is a competency based, self paced program which includes a written theory component, practical activities undertaken with a coach educator and assessment activities. It generally takes between 6 months to 2 years to complete the training depending on the candidate’s background and experience. Candidates with current experience in Pony Club or Equestrian Australia (EA) coaching can be approved for recognition of current competency (RCC).
If you are interested you should speak with a coach at your RDA Centre or contact the state Coaching Co-Ordinator on Ph: 8377 3150